28 May 2015

Review: Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas

Publication: June 2nd 2015 by Bloomsbury USA Childrens
Genre: Young Adult, Contemporary
Format: ARC, Kindle Edition
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Ollie and Moritz are best friends, but they can never meet. Ollie is allergic to electricity. Contact with it causes debilitating seizures. Moritz’s weak heart is kept pumping by an electronic pacemaker. If they ever did meet, Ollie would seize. But Moritz would die without his pacemaker. Both hermits from society, the boys develop a fierce bond through letters that become a lifeline during dark times—as Ollie loses his only friend, Liz, to the normalcy of high school and Moritz deals with a bully set on destroying him.

A story of impossible friendship and hope under strange circumstances, this debut is powerful, dark and humorous in equal measure. These extraordinary voices bring readers into the hearts and minds of two special boys who, like many teens, are just waiting for their moment to shine.

Leah Thomas will surely throw big hits on her debut Because You'll Never Meet Me - written flawlessly, and compelling and amusing. Moritz and Ollie's remarkable voices brought readers motivations based on ideas of right and wrong.

Note: This review might spoil you because of several quotes from the eARC.

Even if you are powerless, your words are not. — Leah Thomas, Because You'll Never Meet Me
Leah Thomas showed proof that even you're not physically normal, you can do anything. You just have to have the courage and trust in yourself - that you are capable just like a normal person. Ollie and Moritz exchanged encouragements on each other through their letters. The shift of their attitudes and self-esteem put a big mark on the book.

If I am less than human somehow, I don't expect humanity from others. — Leah Thomas, Because You'll Never Meet Me
Ouch. There are lots of circumstances from Moritz that's painful to read. But the twinge I felt from Mo sends more hope. I know then that whoever reads Because You'll Never Meet Me will surely feel the same way.

Your personality is as colorful as your vision. You should be grateful. — Leah Thomas, Because You'll Never Meet Me

What you look like isn't who you are. — Leah Thomas, Because You'll Never Meet Me
Individual's PERSONALITY refers to his appearance, characteristics, attitude, mindset and behavior with others. But in this story, crash out the appearance - it is wrong. Being YOU means everything. It's never on the appearance. It's how you groom your mindset.

And talk about 'discrimination'. Because You'll Never Meet Me depicts different teen experience - like bully and unfair treatment on a person. It sends us realization on how "unfair" a normal person to others who have physical abnormality. But who's normal nowadays? Everyone is in need of help. Because You'll Never Meet Me is the help for normal people - realization.

You're just too scared to trust me because you think if I ever met you I might shove you into a drinking fountain just like Lenz does. — Leah Thomas, Because You'll Never Meet Me
Trust is a very important part in friendship. There's no way you could explain how friendship would work between two persons without 'trust'. But where does friendship starts anyway? Hello, trust.

Sometimes friends in crappy situations can be unfriendly and crappy themselves. — Leah Thomas, Because You'll Never Meet Me
Ollie and Moritz didn't just had theirselves but they met others too - secondary characters. Leah Thomas wrote them as great supporting people on the two boys, making everything smooth according to their purpose.

People hurt each other all the time. Especially when they care for each other. — Leah Thomas, Because You'll Never Meet Me
Ollie is very different from Moritz. Their enthusiasm on their letters shifted extensively and in a good way. They both help each other on their ups and downs and on their deepest secrets.

Because You'll Never Meet Me is an openhearted and respectable read. I highly recommend it. I hope it would inspire everyone as it did to me. I am very grateful to writers like Leah Thomas who continues to motivate people.

Interested to read 'Because You'll Never Meet Me'?
Pre-Order at: Book Depository, Amazon, B&N
Source: Netgalley · I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content.


  1. I have been eyeing this book for awhile and honestly, I don't think I need further convincing. I'll be purchasing this as soon as it comes out! It sounds like such a hopeful and interesting read!

    1. Oh my, Sophie! Glad you'll purchase this as soon as it comes out! I cannot wait for your thoughts. Please do enjoy it. :)

  2. Wonderful quotes that you have pulled - the power of friendship between Moritz and Ollie's sounds amazing in this book! Glad you enjoyed this one! :)

    1. Thank you! I really did. I hope you'll read this one soon. :>

  3. This book sounds so wonderful! I always love books that feature good dose of friendship! Reminds me of my bestfriend from highschool. And I think eye openers plus good friendship makes a good book! *Adds this book to TBR*

    1. How's your best friend in high school? I miss my HS friends, too! *Sigh.* Please do read this soon, Jules. Thank you for adding this on your TBR! :D

  4. Wow. What a really weird premise. Nevertheless, I want to read about this amazing friendship dynamic you're talking about. Thanks for sharing your review!

    1. Weird? Hehe. Thanks? Well, it's out next week so. . . Have fun reading Because You'll Never Meet Me! and, You're welcome! x

  5. Such a perfect book, I just finished reading it, and I loved it! Great review, loved all the passages you quoted <3

    1. You're right, Marie. It is indeed a perfect book. AAh. I cannot wait to read your review of it. Thank you. I love the passages too. I mean, everything on the story of Because You'll Never Meet Me. :))

  6. Those quotes really makes me wanna read this book, and I'm loving the cover too! Plus, your review totally sold me, Yani! Great review :)


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